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Walthamstow Hall

Awards: Music Awards at Year 7 and Year 9 entry points. Awards can be combined to be of a value of up to 50% of the value of tuition fees.; also exhibitions worth less than half fees may be offered. Music activities: Jr school: orch, choir, rcdr ens, cantores. Sr school: scholar's wind, choir, orch, str ens, wind band, perc ens, chmbr ens; musical dramas, visiting performers. Also, annual house music festival and termly formal concerts, termly informal concerts internal music events. No of pupils: 650 day; 221 studying inst. Termly fees. £7,870 School type: Girls

Holly Bush Lane
TN13 3UL
United Kingdom

Contact(s)Miss S Ferro, head; Nick Castell, dir of mus
Tel.01732 451334
Fax01732 740439
Web site

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