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James Allen's Girls' School

Awards: Music awards for intake at Yr 7 and 12. Music activities: Over 25 different ens inc 5 choirs, 5 orchs, chmbr music, jazz band, big band; latest electronic equipment. Integrated inst programme at jr and sr level, ad hoc rock bands, perc ens etc; also music tours and courses. Music facilities: a Community Music Centre inc 15 practice rooms, two technology studios, recording facilities, fully equipped percussion room, hpd, Bosendorfer grand pno and Yamaha grand pno. No of pupils: 900 sr day; 300 prep. Termly fees: ££8,181 (sr). Age range: 11-18. School type: Girls.

144 East Dulwich Grove
SE22 8TE
United Kingdom

Contact(s)Mrs Alex Hutchinson, Head; Tommy Foster, Director of Music
Tel.020 8693 1181; 020 8613 6436 (mus dept)
Web site

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