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London Symphony Orchestra

LSO Discovery is the London Symphony Orchestra's pioneering music educ and community prog which aims to bring music to the widest possible audience by prioritising quality, innovation and access to make the orch and its music an easily accessible resource to people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities. LSO Discovery works with people of all ages and backgrounds reaching over 60,000 individuals each year in London and further afield. Activity is centred in the Barbican Centre and LSO St Luke's, the orch's music educ centre on Old Street. The centre has enabled LSO Discovery to reach the people at the heart of the community in which the orch works and, through technology and large-scale participatory projects, to reach further afield, taking the music of the LSO to a regional, national and global audience. The emphasis is firmly on encouraging people to take part, and many of the beneficiaries will be experiencing live music for the very first time.

LSO Discovery
Barbican Centre

Contact(s)Kate Gardner.
Tel.020 7382 2549
Fax020 7374 0127
Web site

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