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Opera Holland Park

Opera Holland Park is a summer opera company which produces an annual summer season of opera performances staged under a temporary canopy in Holland Park, west London of the same name. The venue is fully covered; there are 1,000 seats. Opera Holland Park was established in 1996 and in recent years the company has enjoyed a long string of hits with major achievements in productions of more obscure repertoire, such as Mascagni's Iris, Zandonai's Francesca da Rimini and most recently, to great aclaim, I gioielli della Madonna by Wolf-Ferrari. Each season around half a dozen operas are staged.

12 Phillimore Walk
W8 7RX
United Kingdom

Contact(s)James Clutton, prod; Mike Volpe, geb mgr; Katharine Camiller, asst prod; Julia Howe, mktg; Sarah Crabtree, prod asst.
Tel.020 7361 3570; 0300 999 1000 (box office)
Fax020 7361 2317
Web site

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