West Dean College - Foundation Degree, Historic Craft Practices - Musical Instruments, 2019-20 and beyond

The Foundation Diploma in Historic Craft Practices - Musical Instruments is a 2-academic-year course (each 36 weeks) full time. We are still accepting applications for 2019-20 and beyond. If your goal is to set up an instrument-making workshop or to work in the trade, this programme is internationally respected for the high level craftsmanship students attain. Through learning and assessing the historical approach to constructing a viola da gamba, students are equipped with a broad knowledge and ability to assess construction for a wide range of stringed musical instruments.

West Dean College
West Dean
West Sussex
PO18 0QZ
United Kingdom

Contact(s)Charlotte Ferriss
Tel.01243 818291
Web sitehttp://www.westdean.org.uk

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