National Youth Recorder Orchestras

Summer Course (6 nights) at Rugby School - NYRO for players of at least Grade 8 standard and NYTRO (training orchestra) for young players from Grade 5 up to Grade 8. Upper age limit is 25. Cost £545 2020. Easter Course (4 nights) at Rugby School every year, open to young players from Grade 4-6 and Grade 7-Diploma. Upper age limit is 21. Cost £335 2020. Recorder Days at various locations around the country. Whole day for players of Grade 3 up to Diploma. Afternoon sessions for players of a lower standard. Upper age limit 25. Cost £30 whole day - £10 afternoon only.

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B5 7PL
United Kingdom

Contact(s)Dianne Charles, Administrator
Tel.0121 249 0490
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