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University of Salford

BA Hons Music (with options in band, jazz, popular music and music tech) (3/4); BA Hons in Popular Music and Recording. BA Hons Music encompasses jazz and rock ens, as well as wind and br bands. Both courses inc perf and comp as major elements. The centre arranges a comprehensive series of concerts and w/shops. Visiting artists inc: Bobby Shew, Martin Taylor, the Arguelles Brothers, Stan Sulzman, Norman Winstone, Iain Bellamym, Roy Williams, Don Lusher and Allan Vizzutti. Regular jazz concerts at Band on the Wall (Manchester), Viewpoint (Salford), Barbican Centre (London).

School of Media, Music and Performance
Peru St
Greater Manchester
M3 6EQ

Contact(s)Steve Davismoon, director of music.
Tel.0161 295 5000
Web site

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