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The Irino Prize International Composers Competition for Chamber Orchestra

Prize for chmbr music comp and chmbr orch comp in alternate years. Eligibility: Open to comps of any nationality under the age of 35 (chmbr music) or 40 (chmbr orch) as of 23 Jun each year. Requirements: Limited to 1 comp per comp. Works can be previously performed or unperformed, but should not have received any prizes. Entry fees: None. Location: Tokyo. Dates: Aug. Closing date for applications: 10 May. Frequency: Annual. Based in Japan. Prizes: Y500, 000 for chmbr orch, Y200,000 for chmbr music.

The Irino Prize Foundation, c/o NPO JML (Japan Music Life)
Yoshiro Irino Music Institute Tokyo
5-22-2 Matsubara
Tokyo 156-0043

Contact(s)Reiko Takahashi Irino, president.
Tel.+81 3 3323 0646
Fax+81 3 3325 5468
Web site

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