Heida Hermanns International Competition

Competition catagories rotate each year: voice and pno. Eligibility: Open to ages 19-30 (voice 19-35) who are not nor have been under professional management. Requirements: Send 3 identical CDs to be auditioned for acceptance. Prizes: First prize: $5000; second prize: $2500; 3rd prize $1500; also 3 $500 honourable mentions. Entry fees: $50. Location: Westport, Connecticut. Frequency: Annual.

Connecticut Alliance for Music
61 Unquowa Rd
CT 06430

Contact(s)Barbara Marshall, ex sec; Doris Goltzer, artistic dir.
Tel.+1 203 319 8271
Fax+1 203 319 8273
Web sitehttp://www.camusic.org

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