International Vocal Competition's-Hertogenbosch (IVC)

Singing competition with international jury, TV and internet coverage. Eligibility: Open to male singers born after 1 Jan 1982, female singers born after 1 Jan 1985. Requirements: Opera, Oratorio, Lied. Prizes: Total prize money EUR 45,000, also engagements. Prizes for each genre; prize for young talent, media prize, audience prize. Travel refund for (semi-)finalists. Entry fee: EUR 130. Dates: 28th Nov to 6th Dec 2020. Candidates resident in a country outside the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany may also submit their application for the preliminary rounds by YouTube or DVD recording.

Prins Bernhardstraat 8

Contact(s)Annett Andriesen, gen mgr.
Tel.+31 73 690 0999
Fax+31 73 690 1166
Web site

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